Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Joy and Perils of Writing Book Reviews

After starting my business as a book promoter and reviewer I've had to review tons of books. This week in particular, I feel has been a remarkable source of inspiration. 

I've read and reviewed 8 books this week. It may seem like a lot, but I obviously read very quickly. Not all of the books have been epic fantasies, but a mixture of children's books, self-help, romance, and inspirational books. These are not normally my cup of tea, but this is a business, and every writer deserves an honest review of their work. What's amazing though, is that I'm stunned at how each of them have impacted my life in various ways. I genuinely enjoyed these books. 

I guess I'm lucky...because sometimes you're faced with books that you really don't like and have to be honest in your review. It's actually hard to write negative reviews sometimes, but it's the only way a writer can grow. I cherish my critical reviews, and use them as a guide when working on my later projects. 
As an author, I look forward to a review that challenges me. And so, I try to focus on both strengths and weaknesses in my reviews and encourage the author to continue perfecting their craft. No one starts off perfect. But we can always grow.

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