Thursday, January 9, 2014

Enjoy the Ride!

Vroooommmmm....Are you ready for an adventure?

Every time I sit down in my writing den I am reminded that no matter how much planning I did beforehand, my characters will always surprise me with their own ideas and actions. 

As I work tirelessly to complete Dark Prophet, The Chronicles of Koa Book Two, Koa and "the crew" continue to take over. I suppose it's a good thing. I mean...she a my heroine, and pretty headstrong. I guess I couldn't expect her to just sit idle while I controlled the outcome of her story. 

So, I suppose there is only one thing to do, use that old outline as a guide, but enjoy the ride as my characters lead the way to the finish line! 

Warning: this might cause unexpected deaths to key characters...or romantic interests you didn't quite anticipate.

Good luck out there, writerly folk!

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