Saturday, March 7, 2015

Steven Woodford **Author Spotlight & Interview**

Steven Woodford **Author Spotlight & Interview**

Why do you write? 
Because I can’t sing!
What made you decide to sit down and actually start something? 
I have had a remarkable life and have recently become friends with four writers who shamed me into sitting down and getting it done.
Do you write full-time or part-time? 
Part time;  I do volunteer work for a Key West AIDS organization and have a house, a garden and pets to take care of; therefore, writing only when I set an unbreakable rule for undisturbed writing for a minimum hour a day.
Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured? 
Writing is from 10-12 a.m.  And if something “urgent” comes up I set aside another hour (two is better) later in the day after the “emergency” passes.
Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?  Computer
Where do your ideas come from? 
My twisted imagination, my life experiences and/or LOTS of research into specific people and places.
What is the hardest thing about writing? 
Getting everyone to leave me alone to work.
What is the easiest thing about writing?  
Finding a character who is so “real” to me that he or she simply takes over and puts the words on the screen.
How long on average does it take you to write a book?  
About one year.
Do you ever get writer’s Block? 
No; I call it laziness.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block? Stare at a blank screen (or piece of paper) until a word or a sentence comes to you; write it down , even if it has nothing to do with what you thought you were going to write, and see what follows.  If you are awake a word or two will come to you and others will follow like lemmings.

Steven Woodford, author of SHORTS, auto-bio collection from a life in the deep south, the upside and downside of New York City, falling in love, suffering the death of love (both figuratively and literally, teaching middle school for 28 years, spending 30 years as a NY theatre and music critic and then……….finally………coming to rest, mid-flight, in the Florida Keys.

Connect with Steven Woodford:

Facebook: StevenWoodfordAuthor
Twitter:         @AuthorWoodford
GoodReads: Steven Woodford

Short stories of three generations of a southern family, focused on a gay boy who grows up in a redneck town, moves to NYC, deals with love and loss, teaches theatre and becomes a music and theatre critic, rubbing elbows with celebrity in spite of prejudice.

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