Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Three Steps for Filling That Blank Page #writingtips

Three Steps for Filling a Blank Page
K.N. Lee

What is your goal when sitting down for a writing session? It should be to do whatever it takes (within reason) to fill the blank page! That doesn't mean to ramble nonsensical words and try to string them together into something coherent. It means that you should find new practices that'll urge you out of that writer's block or moment of desperation. 

Lately I've been struggling to stay focused and meet my word quota, but after utilizing my tried and true little writing tricks, the inspiration and the words are flowing once again! I wanted to share three of my tactics. They've always worked for me, so I hope you can benefit as well.

Three Steps

1. Write from another character's POV
Sometimes changing it up a bit will inspire you. Give that character that makes you draw a blank a break, and write from one of the other main character's point of view. This is effective when writing from 3rd person. If writing from 1st person, the second tip should be helpful!

2. Work on a different scene
Stuck on a part of the story with nowhere to go? Move on to that awesome battle or love scene you've been thinking about...or dreaming about. You'll be surprised by how this opens up your mind and keeps the story flowing.

3. Write a jot list with your ideas for dialogue and scenes
Jor lists are great! You simply write out everything you'd like to capture with your story. Sometimes writing out what your character's motivations are, or their backgrounds, your goals for the story, and so forth will fire you up and put you back on the right path.

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