
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Social Media Utilization For A Strong Fan Base

Social Media Utilization For A Strong Fan Base
Building a strong fan base can seem daunting at first, especially to a new writer. Social media utilization is something that is essential to your success. What most agents and publishers want to see, even before you are published, is that you can gather a real following and self promote.

Where do you start?

Two words. Social media.

One of the things that many people don't understand about social media is that it is less about the numbers of followers and likes that you have on Twitter and Facebook, but more about the relationships you create with these followers.

Think about it. Who is more likely to buy your book once it's published? The 100 followers that you've never said a word to, or the 10 Twitter followers you greeted and started a genuine conversation with? I think we all know which one that will be. Once you start using Twitter, you will quickly see that there should be an even exchange. Another important part of utilizing Twitter properly is following back.

Do it!

Why? Because if you don't, they will unfollow you, and you will have lost a potential reader.

So make it a point to not only follow back your Twitter followers, but start a friendly conversation with them. A simple "Thank you for following," goes a long way.

They will remember your name, and your kindness.

Follow K.N. Lee and sign-up for free writing, marketing, and publishing tips on the right sidebar sign-up form.

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