
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pitching to Literary Agents

This last Saturday I journeyed all the way to Brighton, England to meet authors, agents, and publishers. The World Fantasy Convention was remarkable and changed my life.

Imagine my surprise when I met the owner of the Jaberwocky Literary Agent within the first hour. Now, imagine me approaching him and pitching my fantasy trilogy.

Yes. Frightening stuff.

Surprisingly he was quite receptive and told me to email him. Wow. That's pretty incredible. Maybe not for seasoned authors, but I've always been quite apprehensive about delivering a pitch. I practiced my pitch with my editor, friends, and a couple of girls that I met at the convention. 

I suppose practice does make perfect. It at least helps you get over those annoying butterflies...the stuttering...and the "ums" that threaten to ruin your delivery. 

I quickly realized that perhaps my pitch wasn't as horrible as I had been imagining it to be. 

I'd pictured people laughing at it and telling me that my story sounded dumb. It was quite the opposite. I found myself giving other authors at the convention pointers and advice. But who am I to give advice. I  don't even have an agent...yet.

What I have is a few email from agents that I'd queried, and their professional feedback. I've gathered a few important pointers. I hope they help!

Here is what I've gathered that agents want to hear in your pitch:

•The Protagonist
•A Clear Idea of the World
•The Conflict
•What Causes the Protagonist to Step Through That First Door (the door that takes them from their previous life)

Agents, authors with agents, or publishers, please comment with your opinions, advice, and tips. 

Thank you!

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