
Friday, July 12, 2013

Sunshine Blogger Award!!

Sunshine Blogger Award!! Really? Me? Thanks! I am thrilled to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Karen Soutar! It truly is my goal to inspire others each day with my writing, challenges, and tips.

So, first I need to share 10 bits of information about myself! This will be fun! 

  1. I chronicle my dreams each night! Some are horrifying, and some are simply brilliant! The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld began with a dream!
  2. My favorite color is cerulean! Ha! I've had people tell me that this is not a real color, but I assure you...Crayola has a cerulean crayon. Hehe :P
  3. I suffer from CGS...Chronic giggling syndrome. Yes, I know it is a serious condition, but I simply cannot stop being cheerful! 
  4. I studied biology in college. Yes, I love having an extensive knowledge of the human body, however, I also maxed out my credits with mythology, history, and English courses. I guess I couldn't escape my creative side!
  5. I want to learn every language! Right now I am studying French, but I have Spanish and Korean somewhere in the dark recesses of my brain tucked away already.
  6. I cook traditional Asian cuisine quite often. It is my FAVORITE!! Ask my friends. I make Cambodian hotpot, Korean BBQ, Thai food, etc. Yum!
  7. I was captain of the cheer leading team in high-school, and guess what else... I was Homecoming Queen! What? No way!? It's true. 
  8. While writing consumes my life, I sometimes forget that I was once an artist. Perhaps one day I will dabble in the painting/sketching scene once more.
  9. I secretly gorge on Reality TV whenever I get a chance
  10. And last but not least...I have a level 82 duelist with a level 66 sword singer subclass, 73 necromancer, 64 prophet which I dual box, and 73 temple knight in the game Lineage II. I think this officially qualifies me as a geek. It's OK. I don't mind :)
Now, here are my nominees of bloggers/writers that inspire me and others all over the world:

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