
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Rise of the Storm Bringer **Blog Tour** #interview

Rise of the Storm Bringer 

**Blog Tour** 


Today we have a special guest. I was thrilled to interview Ken Lange, and hope you enjoy it too. Comments or questions? Put them in the comments section. Now, let's hear about his new book first!

For most people, a visit from their former in-laws is unpleasant at most. If only I were that lucky. 

Mine have unexpectedly dropped by, leaving a couple of bodies in little bits and a message in blood as their way of saying hi. 

Which is just great. Now I can add one more group to the growing list of nut-bags who want to tuck me in for a dirt nap. Simply put, if the in-laws don’t get me, a dead woman, the Loki, or any one of a legion of mythological beasties just might. 

To top it off, I’ve learned that there’s a cosmic war that’s been raging since the dawn of creation, and somehow, I’ve found myself at the very center of it all. I know it's gonna be a hell of a day when death might be the least of my problems.


Ken Lange is a current resident of the ‘Big Easy’, along with his partner and evil yet loving cats. Any delay, typo or missed edit can and will be blamed on the latter’s interference.

He arrived at this career a little later in life and his work reflects it. Most of his characters won’t be in their twenties and they aren’t always warm and fuzzy. He is of the opinion, that middle-aged adults are woefully underrepresented in fiction and has made it his mission to plug that gap.

Translation, he’s middle aged and crotchety.

Where are you from?
I moved around a lot when I was younger, but nowadays I live in New Orleans.

When did you know, you wanted to become an author?
I started writing when I was still in school, but work pushed it aside until recently.

What challenges have you faced?
I’m not sure the challenges in my life are that different than most other people’s, but I will say that trying to balance work and being an author is tough.

What is your favorite part about being an author?
Writing the stories I’ve always wanted to tell.

Who is your greatest supporter?
My wife, since she’s the one who really pushed me to find an editor and really give the author thing a real chance.

Any advice for someone who aspires to be an author?
Be yourself, and find a fantastic editor. I’m lucky to have such a phenomenal one, and it’s made all the difference in the world.

Anything you want to say to your fans?
I really hope you enjoy the books.

Coffee or tea?
Tea has always been my drink of choice. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of coffee.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Instantaneous healing

Friday, March 3, 2017

Humor Me Blog Tour

Humor Me
Blog Tour

Licensed psychologist and relationship expert, Olivia “Liv” Blackwell uses her people skills to orchestrate happily everafters for her exclusive clients. Blessed with a natural talent for social grace, she is well-respected and successful. 

Retired Army Ranger and founder of Alpha Four, Cpt. Beck “Thunder” Raines has refined the practice of law and order. Working long hours and under the radar keep him out of the public eye. 

Determined to show Thunder the benefit of getting out more, Liv accepts the task of socializing the introverted soldier. Yet, when an elaborate blackmail scheme turns personal the couple learns a whole new type of social etiquette.

on January 18, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

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on January 19, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

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on February 14, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

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