
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Top 10 Places to do a Book Reading!

Top 10 Places to do a Book Reading!

1. A coffee shop

2. Libraries close to your home...or go on a road trip!

3. Schools (local community colleges, universities, private & public schools)

4. A retirement community

5. Google + Hangouts

6. Church

7. Local bookstores

8. Facebook videos

9. YouTube

10. Rehabilitation centers (sick children's ward, etc)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

An Interview with Author, Andrea Raine

Let's learn a bit about one of our favorite authors, Andrea Raine!

Where are you from?
I was born in Smithers, British Columbia and grew up in Victoria, British Columbia.

Why do you write?
I feel compelled to write whether it is a journal entry, a poem, a book review, an article, an essay, a character sketch, a short story, or the next chapter in a novel. I have always felt the need to express myself and the world around me in the written form.

What inspired you to write your first book?
I always knew I had a novel in me, I just didn’t know where the story idea would come from. I found the inspiration for my first novel while I was on a two-month solo backpacking trip in Western Europe in the summer of 1998. I saw a young guy sleeping in a tunnel near Hyde Park, and he didn’t seem to be homeless but rather a backpacker on a shoestring budget. His image stayed with me throughout the rest of my trip, and I began writing about him when I returned home. His character proved to be a springboard for other characters in my novel, and so my novel Turnstiles took on its own life.

What genre do you typically write?
My novels are more character-driven than plot-driven, and so I would call my genre literary fiction. I also write poetry.

Do you feel like you have a specific writing style?
I tend to describe the internal workings of my characters, rather than focus on their outward appearances, and I like to give them a vivid landscape and explore the complexity of human relationships.

How long does it usually take you to write a book?
Honestly, it took me fifteen years to bring my first novel, Turnstiles, to fruition. I took it seriously, and never dropped the thread, but I kept it somewhat under wraps and I was never entirely sure if it would see the light of day. I was also writing Turnstiles while many other things were happening in my life:  university, day jobs, relationships, marriage, kids, etc. I am currently working on a prequel novella, which I began writing five years ago shortly before my first son was born. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and plan to have my manuscript ready for publication by the end of this year.

What do you do to conquer writer’s block?
If I find I am staring helplessly at a blank page, I try to reflect on the character(s) or scene I want to flesh out; I step back from the pressure of writing the actual novel, and spend some time working on a character sketch or making point-form notes on how to approach the scene or unfolding of the next chapter(s).

What can you tell us about your favorite character from your book?
My favourite character is Martin, and I think it is because he starts out as a hopeful, naïve character that is only damaging himself through his insecurities and protective walls he builds. He projects a false image of pretentiousness, when he is really yearning for acceptance; and he is reluctant to wave his white flag. He knows there is something missing, something broken in him that he needs to repair, and he is given the opportunity to embark on a journey to mend it.

What actor or actress would you like to see play your character in the movie adaptation
I think James MacAvoy could portray Martin, and perhaps Dakota Fanning could play Yvonne.

Who is your favorite author and what is it about them that inspires you?
Fyodor Dosteovsky. I read Crime and Punishment, and was struck by how he was able to write about the mental workings of the main character, as well as write about a dark subject matter and still leave the reader feeling conflicted in their sympathy and degree of understanding towards the character and his simple human curiosity, albeit depraved. 

What book are you reading now?

The Hobbit; I don’t usually read fantasy novels, but The Hobbit has been on my reading list for ages.

What are your current projects?

As I mentioned, I am working on a prequel novella to Turnstiles titled A Crowded Heart. I am also trying to find a home for a short collection of ghazals titled A Year of Mornings, and a second full-length poetry book titled Spectrums & Apertures.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

No. I have spent so much time with these characters, I feel that I know them inside and out – their motivations and insecurities – and that I have been able to carve out the right path for each of them.

Can you share a little of your work with us?

My prequel novella A Crowded Heart focuses on a character that is deceased from the beginning of Turnstiles. His name is Willis Hancocks Sr., and he is a significant character because the decisions he made in his lifetime affect the paths of the main characters in Turnstiles. He is painted in a bad light, and I felt he should be given the opportunity to tell his side of the story:  he was forced into undesirable situations and, ultimately, had hard choices to make.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

The most challenging aspect of my writing life is actually devoting time to delve into my writing. I have a full-time job and two boys under the age of five. However, once I get a solid idea for a novel that I am excited about, and get rolling with it, I enter that other world and make mental notes and spend ample time thinking about the characters. The writing may not happen every day, but the characters are always present in my mind and the material for filling the pages surfaces in spurts.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don’t drop the thread. If you have an idea for a story that you believe in, and characters that are speaking to you, stay with them and write down whatever they have to say.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

At the moment, it may take me a little longer to publish a book (until I am able to write full-time), but my characters are three-dimensional people who are often working through their own winding, self-realizing journeys. My writing is partly cathartic, but the themes are also universal as they touch on the human condition and the complexities of interpersonal relationships. I hope readers will take a chance on a new author, and embark on these journeys with me. I have many books to write – fiction and poetry – and I look forward to sharing my books and beginning new and lasting relationships with my readers.

Free Download! Dark Prophet by, K.N. Lee **Limited Time**

Dark Prophet is FREE for a limited time!

Vampires, and angels, and demons...oh my! Download the international bestseller by award-winning author, K.N. Lee for free today. And don't keep this fantastic event a secret. Share it with your friends! 

Book Two of the Best-Selling Novel, The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld 

Not all vampires are created equal... 
Koa is a half-blood vampire with not only the ability to fly, but survive in the sun's light. She will do anything to protect her mother, and break her curse. The demon, Bund, wants more than her mother's life. He wants something from Koa, a power that she doesn't even know she has, and will rip through as many humans as he can to get her to surrender. 

Agent Koa Ryeo-won, and her boss, Halston, formed a crew of supernatural agents to stop Bund. But is a prophet, a temptress, a War-Breeder, a half-blood with an enchanted sword, and a few angels enough to stop what Bund has planned? 

In the midst of a war between the humans of the mortal world, and the creatures of the Netherworld, Koa discovers the truth of her past. She finds herself torn between two men, and in the center of everything. Faced with all of her returned memories, Koa also finds herself more powerful than ever. Being a half-blood is hard enough, but what exactly is Koa's other half? 

The truth can save...or destroy everything. 

Will the Netherworld Division stand behind Koa once they learn her secret? 

**Bonus Material** 
Chapter 1 of K.N. Lee's young adult fantasy, Academia of the Beast! 

5 out of 5 stars
Amazon verified editorial review

The Best Sequel Novel I've Ever Read--Period
"When I finished reading K.N. Lee's "The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld," I remember the anticipation which began to build from that moment for the story I knew was coming.

Well, "Dark Prophet: Book Two of the Chronicles of Koa" certainly did not disappoint. Koa and Halston are back, better than ever. It sets a precedent for me to finish reading fictional works the very same day I start them, but that's EXACTLY what happened this afternoon. An original, detailed plot--unique characters a reader finds themselves investing in readily--true hang-on-for-dear-life action--this book has it ALL. Lee writes in such a way she engages her audience from the opening sentence. I'm thrilled to say I've seen it happen twice now.

At this point, allow me to make something crystal clear: I'm not the type of reader who simply decides to review written material with the coveted 5-Star Rating just because others have before me. That's just not "how I roll". But, as I mentioned above, I'd already seen Lee's talent with her first Koa publication; Dark Prophet validates my anticipation. Five stars? By all rights, there SHOULD be a 5-Star PLUS designation specifically for K.N. Lee.

There's already a legion of fans out there who share my opinion.

Join us, and get this book, folks.

It's that simple."

Michael Holman, the author of Resolve and Retribution

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A New Review of Dark Prophet, by Author Thomas Ray Manning

A New Review of Dark Prophet, 

by Author Thomas Ray Manning

Dark Prophet: The Chronicles of Koa is the second Koa novel written by author K.N. Lee and it’s a great follow-up to Netherworld! We spend the beginning learning about Koa’s past, and in the present the action picks up seconds after the last novel ended. Koa and Jax are fleeing from the Netherworld while Halston fights off some nasty creatures who are bent on destroying him and hunting Koa down. This all leads to a story that is a thrilling ride full of action and adventure.

Jax is a welcome addition to the Koa Chronicles, especially considering the connection and fondness Koa’s developed with Halston. All the characters and their dialogue are written well, most of all Koa who continues to be an awesome protagonist as she unknowingly evolves into a powerful player in both the human world and Netherworld.

But my highest commendation for the story is the imagination of author K.N. Lee. What really sets this series apart are the worlds and pieces she’s created. The Lyrinian Blade and the Infinity Gun are just a couple examples, and then there are the unique creatures which infest the Netherworld. All of the creation and originality helps to pull you in and leave you wanting more.

If you enjoy the supernatural element this is definitely a series to pick up! If you read and enjoyed Netherworld, then this purchase is a no-brainer!


Raven closed her eyes and sighed.
She missed hearing her real name. To be free from her curse to live as a cat. To have her beloved daughter back. Those were the things she now fought for.
The carnage before her was sickening, but she had to remember why she was there and what they were up against. Still, days of tracking Bund’s crimes were beginning to wear on Raven. She only hoped that soon Koa and Halston would return from the Netherworld with the one vamp that could reverse her curse.
“This is awful,” Alice said to Raven as she knelt over the little girl’s body. “For someone so young to suffer this way.”
Alice covered the girl’s mangled face up and stood. She had to be careful not to step in the puddle of blood. She shook her head. “It’s fairly fresh. I’d say this was probably his first kill of the morning.” Alice let out a long breath. “What a damn shame. He’s certainly not trying to be discreet about any of this.”
Raven followed behind her, saddened by what she had seen. “How are we going to stop Bund?”
Alice flicked a hand and the two detectives who had been investigating the murders woke up from their trance. She sidestepped them and disappeared into the crowd on the sidewalk before they even realized what had happened.
“First, we should tell everyone to keep their children inside, lock their doors, and pray that Bund doesn’t become bold enough to start snatching little girls out of their bedrooms.”
Raven squeezed her eyes closed. She hated to imagine what happened to the girls that Bund chose. Just thinking that Koa had been harmed by him brought back terrible feelings of sorrow and worry.
Alice glanced back at her. She smoothed her short pink hair with the palm of her hand. “But we can’t exactly tell the humans about the existence of vampires and psychotic demons, can we?”
Raven sighed. “I suppose not.”
Alice made a face. “You know, I sometimes think ignorance isn’t quite as blissful as it seems. Maybe the humans wouldn’t be so foolish if they knew that supernatural creatures were targeting them.” She gave Raven a look. “What do you think?”
“Don’t some of them know though? The kids that go out and become pets know.”
“True. But that’s only a slim portion of the human population. I wonder what would happen if we just hopped on the television and made an announcement.”
“The Netherworld Division wouldn’t be a secret organization anymore.”
Alice grinned. “Exactly. Halston and I could fight crime in the open, instead of trying to hide it. But oh well. It would never work. The humans are lucky to not have such worries on their mind. I guess that’s why we do what we do.”
Raven quickened her pace as Alice turned a corner towards a cemetery. “I suppose.”
“Indeed, little kitty. I am searching for the powerful, the fearless… the perfect crew.” Alice reached in her pocket and pulled out a small device that resembled a compass. Raven wished she was taller, to see its face. She heard a tiny clicking sound and saw a gold light shoot from it and stretch far into the maze-like mausoleum buildings.
“Alice,” Raven called, pausing to stare at the light. “What is that?”
Alice lifted a brow. “What? Oh, it’s something Halston made for me.”
Raven sat on her back legs. She licked her paws. She hated being dirty, and the cold dirt was getting stuck in between her claws.
“I can’t wait to see what gadgets he’s created for you.” Alice smiled, walking in the direction of the light.
Raven lifted a brow and hurried behind. “What?”
Alice chuckled. “You didn’t think that Halston would let you into the division and not give you some sort of weapon, did you?”
Raven was speechless. She’d never thought of such a thing. She’d never needed gadgets before, but when she was in her true form, she had enough power to not need the use of weapons.
Raven’s fur stood on end. She looked up at the sky. Clouds slowly began to block the sun and the air grew colder. Night would soon be upon them. She felt herself growing a little weary. There was so much evil that awoke when night fell. 

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cover Reveal! **Smolder on a Slow Burn Blog Tour** **Giveaway**

Write Like a Wizard is proud to present Lynda Cox's newest publication, Smolder on a Slow Burn! 

Allison Webster dreams of having an adventure like the characters in the books she loves. But there is no romance in being pursued by a man who wants her dead for educating the children of former slaves. Unlike the heroines she reads about she doesn't have a trusty companion to rescue her...until she literally runs into A.J. Adams, a former Confederate cavalry officer. Now, she just has to convince A.J. he really is the honorable man and hero depicted in the dime novel she is reading. 

Branded a "traitor" for more than ten years, scarred by harsh treatment in an inhumane prisoner of war camp, A.J. Adams wants revenge. Allison Webster's arrival into his life provides the bait to destroy the men who murdered his wife and daughters and kidnapped his little brother. The men pursuing Allison are the very same men he has sworn to kill. Falling in love and admitting he might actually be a hero means surrendering his need for vengeance. Surrender is not part of A.J.'s battle strategy. 

Follow the Tour!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Taming the Country Star by Margo Bond Collins **Book Blast**

Taming the Country Star by Margo Bond Collins


He'll do anything to win her heart. She'll do anything to keep him away.

Country star Cole Grayson is in town, and Kylie Andrews is less than thrilled. As if months of changing the radio station and tearing down his posters weren’t bad enough, now she has to deal with a town of fans swarming toward the man who deceived her the year before. But when Kylie’s eyes meet Cole’s again, she can’t deny the electric chemistry that drew her to him the first time around.

Cole Grayson is on a mission. Ever since Kylie left him, he hasn’t been able to forget her sweet country smile. After writing a song just for her, he sets off for her hometown to prove he’s not the player she thinks he is. But as much as Cole can’t forget her, Kylie wonders if she can forgive him…



            Kylie Andrews’s Texas-themed gift shop, Cowbelles, sat on the very outer edge of Fort Worth’s Stockyards District, not far from Jimmy’s Honky Tonk. And much to her dismay, no matter how often she cleared it, the wall adjacent to her store remained covered with announcements for local events.

Like, for example, concerts.

She stared at the latest layer of advertisements.

From the topmost poster, Cole Grayson stared out at her, leaning against the edge of an old barn door, guitar at his feet. One booted foot was kicked up against the wooden wall behind him. His dark-blond hair curled around behind one ear and fell down across his eye on the other side. A cowboy hat rested on the ground next to the guitar.

Her hand drifted up toward the image, hovering several inches from the picture of his face. She glanced around. None of the other shopkeepers were outside. No one was watching.

“Bastard,” she whispered to herself, and ripped the poster off the wall.

At least, she tried to. It was thicker than she had expected, attached more firmly, and it resisted her pull.

Chewing on her lip, she took another look around, dropped her bag to the ground, and reached up to grasp the edge with both fists, jerking at it in opposite directions. A tiny tear opened up along the side, and she yanked harder. Finally, the poster ripped—right across Cole Grayson’s lying eyes.

She tugged at the image some more, glancing around surreptitiously every few moments and dropping ragged pieces of paper on the ground at her feet, until there was nothing left on the wall but a few fluttering strips.

Gathering the mutilated shreds together, she opened her bag and shoved them inside until they overflowed, bright ribbons of color in the morning light.

Book Trailer


Buy Links


About the Author

Margo Bond Collins is the author of contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal mysteries. She has published a number of novels, including Taming the Country Star, Legally Undead, Waking Up Dead, and Fairy, Texas. She lives in Texas with her husband, their daughter, and several spoiled pets. Although writing fiction is her first love, she also teaches college-level English courses online. She enjoys reading romance and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about heroes, monsters, cowboys, and villains, and the strong women who love them. She currently writes for Entangled’s Red-Hot Bliss line.


Connect with Margo

Twitter:  @MargoBondCollin
Goodreads Author Page:


5-star reviews:

What a super story! Just as their romance was getting started, events tore them apart. She wants a quiet hometown life, he's a country singing star. Incredibly written with characters that come to life. Very well done! I highly recommend this one. ~Bette Lutz, Amazon reader

If I had one complaint about Taming the Country Star: A Hometown Heroes Novella by Margo Bond Collins, it would be that it is just too short. After I read Legally Undead by Ms. Collins, I pretty much knew that I would love anything she writes. And she proved me right with this little book. I just loved it. Even though it is short, I was drawn in and completely fell in love with the two main characters.

You could say that Kylie Andrews has trust issues. Her Daddy was a rodeo star and lived the high life. Which included being photographed in the tabloids numerous times with various other women. Eventually he abandoned Kylie and her Mom and Kylie knew that if she ever married, it would be someone safe and stable, the complete opposite of her father. That didn’t work out so well either, though. She was supposed to marry her childhood sweetheart but was left at the altar. She decided to take her honeymoon by herself and it is there she met the handsome Cole, no last name, and had a sexy, romantic, time with him. It wasn’t until she was at the airport on the way home that she spied her own photo, kissing Cole, in a tabloid magazine. She then realized the true identity of the man she just spent the last few days with. It was Cole Grayson, the huge country music star!

A year has passed since Cole Grayson met Kylie on that beach in Mexico. And a day hasn’t gone by that he didn’t think of her. He is doing a concert in Fort Worth, where Kylie lives and has a little shop, and he is determined to find her. But will she give him a second chance now that she knows who he really is?

~ Carol [Goodreads addict], a top 100 Goodreads 

BOGO! Buy Dark Prophet and Get Netherworld for FREE Vampire Barbie? No...more like Vampire James Bond

BOGO! Buy Dark Prophet and Get Netherworld for FREE 

Vampire Barbie? No...more like Vampire James Bond 

with an 

enchanted sword, and angel for a boss, and a human 


What would you do if a demon threatened your mother's life? If you're like Koa, you'd sharpen your enchanted sword and go after him... 

Our world is threatened by the creatures of an alternate land called the Netherworld. Koa and the Netherworld division are there to keep the vampire population in check. Koa is a powerful half-blood vampire. Her best friend is her boss, she has a cursed mother, an enchanted sword, and an attractive human pet. 

Koa also has a problem. A Netherworld serial killer, with a taste for little girls, threatens everything Koa has worked hard to protect. Not even Koa's boss, Halston can stop him. But he knows one prisoner that can. Too bad that prison is in the Netherworld. 

Is Koa ready to journey to the Netherworld to release the one creature that can break her mother's curse and protect all that she holds dear? 

**Bonus Material** 
Someone has stolen classified documents from the Netherworld division's vaults. Read the secret interviews that were leaked to the press, and discover the hidden clues of Dark Prophet and Lyrinian Blade (The Chronicles of Koa #2 & #3) 

Editorial Reviews: 
“The Chronicles of Koa is a wonderful story full of likeable characters, a clear world, and a fun mission.” Kirstin L. Pulioff, author of The Escape of Princess Madeline 
“It has a fantastic story, twists and turns throughout, and some mysteries you won't see coming. I'm looking forward to reading more of her books as she writes them. The Chronicles of Koa #2 will certainly be a day one purchase for me!” 
Thomas Ray Manning, author of Energize (From the Logs of Daniel Quinn) 
“The ending had me on edge. I have to say I have not read a vampire novel like this one before.” 
Glenna Maynard, author of Beautiful Strangers 
“The author has created an engrossing world with vampires, angels and other mythical creatures. And not just any mythical creatures, her creations were... awesome!” 
Morgan Jane, author of the Sanguis City series 

Excerpt for Holes in Space - A Poetry Collection:


You are my poem, 
versed in love, 
rhymed with passion, 
worded with desire. 

You are my fragrance, 
bathed in flowers, 
mixed with the scent 
of the stars in bloom. 

You are my dream, 
embroidered in silk, 
sewn with illusion, 
dressed with kisses. 

You are my one, my heart, my love, 
my eternal, my life, my light. 
You are my forever, 
my everlasting poem, you.