
Friday, January 31, 2014

*101* Sweet & Sexy Ways 2 Cater 2 A Woman **Book Blast**

101 Sweet & Sexy Ways 2 Cater 2 A Woman Pleasure's the principle, and these 101 Sweet & Sexy are more about being that gentleman who practices the art of love on a daily basis. An approach where your deeds ( & decent proposals) get to speak for you, as you emphasize an intimacy that strokes her fires with an exquisite attention to detail. 

Remember that going beyond fantasy and romance is necessary to quench deeper desires that sometimes go beyond the bedroom. So become her oasis, play her soundtrack and pledge your allegiance with pure acts of pleasure. The world is your bedroom.

January 29, 2014

Running Stupid **Book Blast**Free Promotion**

 **Book Blast**

 Running Stupid

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense: "Running Stupid" A Classic Organized Crime and Punishment book with Gangsters, kidnapping mystery, a fiction story about serial killers and murder!

Free on Amazon Jan 31st-Feb 1st!

Book Description

January 15, 2014 Stupid is an intense, slick thriller with a liberal dose of comedy and an injection of suspense. It is a roller coaster of emotions, taking the reader on a high octane journey as the hapless, apathetic protagonist encounters serial killers, sociopaths, liars and fraudsters before finding himself face to face with the ultimate test of fortitude.

Matthew Jester is a lucky man. He has cruised through life on a tide of fortune, succeeding in every aspect of his existence. Now he wants to test his good fortune, to push it to the extreme, and his luck is about to run out -- his world is about to unravel. He becomes the chief suspect in a high profile murder case and discovers that he is public enemy number one. The country hates him, they want him dead, and no matter how far he runs, no matter which direction he takes, he keeps finding himself in the clutches of the darkest and most depraved elements of society. He thinks his luck has finally run out, that his life has hit rock bottom, but what he doesn’t know is that things are a lot worse than they seem.
Amazon Reader Reviews of Mystery, Thriller & Suspense: “Running Stupid” A Classic Organized Crime and Punishment book with Gangsters, kidnapping mystery, a fiction story about serial killers and murder:
"What an awesome story!!! Suspenseful from start to finish. Read this book. Best plot &ending ever!!! You will love it!!!"

"Suspense, excitement, adrenaline, and billionaires' conspiracy. What's not to like? I started reading this morning and didn't stop, this book grabbed me, scared me, and shocked me. I'm sitting here stunned. The ending hit me like a sledgehammer. One of the best psycho thrillers I've ever read. I'm not sure I'll have pleasant dreams tonight..."

"In the superbly crafted `Running Stupid,' Matthew Jester has to be the luckiest man on earth - until the day that his luck runs out. He finds himself framed for murder, and vilified by the public. And, someone wants him dead...lots of someones!

A thrilling web of murder, suspense, and one man's fight for survival that had me reading it in one sitting. It was an excellent, fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat read! A perfect mixture of thriller and suspense.

A lifelong reader of this genre, I have to admit that the book's ending totally surprised me. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!

I give the plot an A+ , the suspenseful storyline is beautifully built-out, and the dialogue awesome. A 9.5 in my book!

I sure hope this is not the last from these two authors!"
"This is one wild, unpredictable ride! The trials of Jester, our protagonist, are detailed with unflinching description so this it a gripping pageturner with ever escalating stakes. It's written in a skillful, direct way so it's easy to put yourself in the hero's point of view and try to imagine what you would do if you ended up caught helpless in a dangerous situation fending off assassin after assassin.

The plot is a crazy game billionaire sociopathy at it's worst, where people hunt and bet on other humans in a high-stakes safari-meets-sports betting-meets-Truman Show inventive drama. This sets up brutal fight scene after scene where our hero has to figure out how to survive cage match style. The authors deliver. It's like an escalating video game where we hope to finally meet the boss level, but know it's going to cost all long the way.

I loved the deadpan humor,including when he outsmarts attackers or like when some of Jester quizzes some not-bright attackers about how they would divide an even-summed bounty 3 ways. The biggest appeal is the cunning twists and turns and the tense actions. Give this book a go if you like intense action scenes, and then buckle up for the ride."
About the author:
Morris Fenris is Fiji-born Australian author and publisher.

Morris has been writing since childhood, drawing on his experiences in life and emulating the styles of his favorite authors. Morris enjoys reading and writing in a wide range of genres and has plans for writing many books.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Cover! Bonus Content! And...FREE!!! (Thicker Than Blood)

Is this Heaven? Is this Hell? There's only one way to tell...
Thicker Than Blood
Twin sisters journey to a mysterious place...Did I mention that they're dead?

Where is Katie?
A little girl is locked in a room that has been boarded shut from the outside. She hasn't seen her parent's faces in years. Why are her parents afraid of her?

The Galloway Lake
A young track star is kidnapped, tortured, and tossed into a lake. I wonder if her kidnapper knew that lake was on a haunted plantation. Will she survive this night?

Three paranormal stories that will make your skin crawl...

**Bonus Material**
Chapter 1 of the dark, urban-fantasy, novel, The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld

Monday, January 27, 2014

Introducing Author, Nicole Garcia!

Introducing Nicole Garcia, the author of Noelle's Wish (A Christmas Tale) and the upcoming novella, Cupid's Heart!

Where are you from?
I am from Brooklyn, New York. Born and raised.

What inspired you to write your first book? What genre is it?
I actually started on a book that is currently halfway done. It's called Return to Willow Lake, which will be out later this year. It is a New Adult Romance. A very traumatic experience inspired me to write. It was my only outlet to express my emotions. I do have a published novella which was released in December. That would technically be my fist book, which is also a New Adult Romance.

Do you write full-time or part-time? How do you balance your writing life with your family/work life?
I write whenever and wherever I can. I always have a notebook and notepad on hand. Being a full-time mom of four takes up most of my time, and having two special needs children makes writing a challenge. Both my boys have Autism.

How did you come up with the title?
Well, for Christmas I wanted to write a short novella. I just started to think of all the words associated with Christmas and Noelle's Wish was born. There will be more novellas in A Christmas Tale series.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Yes, definitely.  I want readers to feel that no matter how difficult life can be, never give up hope because everyone can have a happy ending.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
I always put a piece of myself in every book I write. Whether it be my love for chocolate or my distaste of coffee, or even my favorite color.  My upcoming release Return to Willow Lake is based on a real life experience of mine.

What books have most influenced your life most?
Wow, I don't think I can choose certain books. But I do have authors who inspire me every day like Claudy Conn, Tina Folsom, Sharon Hamilton, Kerrianne Coombes, Krystal Shannan, Deborah Gafford  and CL Pardington, and E.L.R. Jones.  They are all really good friends and would not be who I am without their guidance.

What book are you reading now?
Right now I'm finishing up my Valentine's Day novella but I have just finished Sleeping Beauty and the Damned Demon by Kerrianne Coombes. After I finish my novella I will finish Claudy Conn's Prince Prelude-Legend.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
Yes Kerrianne Coombes. Her Demon Tale series is amazing.

What are your current projects?
Right now I am writing a Valentine's Day novella called Cupid's Heart which should be released by February 1st. I also have two half-written books Taming Lacey and Return to Willow Lake. I am also working on a paranormal romance series. I am planning to release the first book of the series and the other two books this year, so I will be very busy.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
I went over it a lot and also had my best friend and critique partner Dawn Sullivan read through it. We were happy with the way it came out. My beta group was also a big help to the book.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I would love to. Here is an excerpt from my upcoming Valentine’s Day release called Cupid’s Heart:

    Cupid sat on a cloud looking down on Valentina Hart.  He had been watching her for a few years now.  He was in love from the first time he laid eyes on her sitting on a park bench.  Her long red hair sweeping across her face as the warm summer breeze blew.  He knew then she was meant for him. The only problem, he was a God, and she was a human.  The two of them could never be together.    
    This wasn't a law amongst the Gods. It was Cupid's choice and the number one rule in his book. A rule that could never be broken. Humans were frail, mortal, and being in love with one caused too many problematic situations. Sure he could just shoot her with a golden arrow and she would love him. But after his disastrous mistake, he never forgave himself and thought he deserved to be alone for eternity.     
     The tragedy had occurred 25 years ago, but the memory was still fresh in his mind as if it happened just yesterday.  Every day he thought about the pain he caused that girl and everyday he punished himself for his carelessness. Cupid had given up on creating love. He wouldn't be able to handle another mistake. He hadn't shot an arrow in 25 years and he wasn't going to any time soon.     
     "Why don't you just go down and talk to her already?" Somnus the god of sleep suggested as he sat next to Cupid. Somnus was Cupid's best friend and they had spent most of their time together getting into trouble. Well Somnus always got himself into some sort of predicament that Cupid had to bail him out of. Especially with the ladies. Somnus was growing tired of Cupid's infatuation with Valentina. He couldn't understand what the big deal was. So Cupid made a mistake. So what. Everyone made mistakes and God's were no exception.    
     "You know why I can't go down there and talk to her."   
     "Cue, you are making too big a deal of what happened. When are you going to get over it and forgive yourself? It wasn't your fault."  
     "How can you say that Somnus? Of course it was my fault, who else can be blamed for what happened to that girl? I will never forgive myself. Ever."     

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Oh yes, the love scenes. It is very difficult for me to put into words what I really want to say. My critique partner helps me out with those parts. I will explain to her what it is I want to say, and she will polish it up so it is better understood by the reader.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?
The hardest part about writing Noelle’s Wish was probably the abuse scene. I really wanted to cry for her.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
Oh my goodness yes. No long run-on sentences. I love to talk and sometimes I tend to write the same way. I could go on forever in one sentence. I also learned from my characters that it’s okay not to be perfect because somewhere in the world there will be someone who loves you despite all your imperfections.

Do you have any advice for other writers?
No matter how hard it seems, if writing is truly your dream, never give up.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Yes, I would like to thank each and every one of them for supporting me and my writing. I appreciate all who have helped me.

Do you have an agent or publisher? How did you go about finding one?
No I don't have an agent. I am strictly an independent author.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Alaska. I love the cold and would love to at least visit there once in my lifetime.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Hmmm, that's a hard one. I guess I would have to choose either the ability to time travel, or super strength. Having Fibromyalgia makes me weak at times and having unlimited strength would be awesome.

For More on Nicole Garcia:

Nicole Garcia Bio:

Happily married and mother of four. We have two daughters and two sons. Both my sons have special needs since they are Autistic. I have a degree in Nursing, but have been a stay at home mom for the past 8 years. I have a few hobbies such as gardening and rescuing exotic pets. We have so many I could probably charge admission to our small petting zoo. But I have to say my absolute passion is reading. So after spending so much time at home, I decided to make a career out of sharing my love for books. Writing and promoting has become a full time job for me now. There are so many unknown authors out there that deserve to have their books read by many. So after promoting for authors for two years, I decided to follow my dreams and start writing my own books. I started writing poetry when I was just a little girl and have always loved the feeling it gave me. Currently I am working on a New Adult Contemporary Romance, but later I plan to write other genres. Hope you will join me in all the fun ahead.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Joy and Perils of Writing Book Reviews

After starting my business as a book promoter and reviewer I've had to review tons of books. This week in particular, I feel has been a remarkable source of inspiration. 

I've read and reviewed 8 books this week. It may seem like a lot, but I obviously read very quickly. Not all of the books have been epic fantasies, but a mixture of children's books, self-help, romance, and inspirational books. These are not normally my cup of tea, but this is a business, and every writer deserves an honest review of their work. What's amazing though, is that I'm stunned at how each of them have impacted my life in various ways. I genuinely enjoyed these books. 

I guess I'm lucky...because sometimes you're faced with books that you really don't like and have to be honest in your review. It's actually hard to write negative reviews sometimes, but it's the only way a writer can grow. I cherish my critical reviews, and use them as a guide when working on my later projects. 
As an author, I look forward to a review that challenges me. And so, I try to focus on both strengths and weaknesses in my reviews and encourage the author to continue perfecting their craft. No one starts off perfect. But we can always grow.

Inquire about book promotions and reviews on:
or on the contact sheet on the side bar.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

An Interview With Author, MK Schiller

Let's meet our guest, author MK Shiller! She is the author of A Girl By Any Other Name!

Where are you from? Originally – Mumbai, India. Currently – Detroit.  Typically - Dreamland.
What inspired you to write A Girl by Any Other Name? I’ve always loved stories about first love and friendship. I also wanted to write a suspense novel.
Is this your first book? No, it’s my third.
Do you write full-time or part-time? How do you balance your writing life with your family/work life?  I write part time. It’s hard to find the appropriate number of hours to pursue my passion, but I do my best to think out the ideas in my head. My fingers actually cramp when I find the time to type them all out.
How did you come up with the title? It’s a play on words. Sylvie quotes Shakespeare to Cal and years later, he paraphrases it back to her. The great thing about childhood relationships is that you have these secret inside jokes.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? That unlike everything else, love never dies.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? I had a friend when I was younger, who died. We built forts together, and walked to the store for ice cream. I think I put a lot of Stan’s personality into Cal.
What books have most influenced your life most? There are so many, but I loved IT by Stephen King – not the scary parts, but King has a way of writing friendship like no other author. Also, I loved Fifty Shades. It rekindled my love of romance and my desire to write it. 
What book are you reading now? Arouse by Nina Lane.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? I love Mia Sheridan, EL James, Colleen Hover just to name a few.
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? Maybe add a sex scene and a few more chapters from Sylvie’s perspective.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?  This is a story of friendship, first love, and loss. It’s about one man’s endless quest to find the girl who was taken from him – his best friend, his fishing buddy, and the woman of his dreams.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Grammar is not my forte, so I would say that’s my biggest issue.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? That I read every single review, respond to every email, and reply back as soon as I can. I appreciate all their feedback – both good and bad. It’s allowed me to hone my craft, and I think I learn so much with each book. Writing is a process for the author, and I have loved this journey.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Prairie Marsh, Texas – it doesn’t exist, but I love how Cal describes it.
If you could have any super power, what would it be? The power to type at the speed of light (or at least as fast as I can think). 

Excellent answer! Thanks for stopping by! -K.N. Lee