
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Koa is Ready...To Tell Her Tale!

"I knew they would come for me. Mama warned me to control my cravings. She tried to protect me. But, she never told me why daddy left before teaching me how to be a vampire. I promise I tried to control myself. I really, really, did! Now, they’ve found me. I don’t know if the world is ready to hear my story. It doesn’t matter…there’s no more hiding now." --Koa Ryeo-won

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Forest Bull **Book Blast**

Book Description

August 30, 2013
Three lovers who stalk and kill the immortals that drift through South Florida (tourists are a moveable feast, after all) are living a simple life of leisure- until one of them is nearly killed by woman who is a new kind of lethal. When Ring Hardigan isn't making sandwiches for, and with, his two partners, Waleska and Risa (they're cool like that), he's got a busy schedule doing the dirty work of sending immortals to the ever after. Wally and Risa provide linguistics, logistics, and finding the right place for him and his knife-- together, they're a well-oiled machine, and they've settled into a rhythm that bodes ill for the Undying. Warlocks, vampires, succubae and the odd ghoul have all fallen to their teamwork. Life is tough, but they soldier on killing the undead, liberating their worldly goods for charity, and generally achieving very little.

-Until Ring wakes up after nearly dying at the hands of a woman who may or may not be the daughter of Satan. Ring's a tough character, for a boat bum (killing immortals sort of rubs off on you that way), but twelve days of comatose healing are enough to bring out the ugly side of his temper. When a letter arrives asking for their help finding a large collection of stolen heirloom jewelry, they form an uneasy friendship with the last Baron of a family hiding in a primal European forest. Cazimir, the Baron, has two skills: Jeweler and preserver of the last herd of forest bulls. It's an odd occupation, but then, Ring, Risa and Wally aren't your everyday career folks, and Cazimir's lodge might be sitting on something that looks a lot like hell, which, according to a 2400 year old succubus hooker named Delphine, is currently on the market to the strongest immortal. The Baron's impassioned plea to find the jewelry comes with some conditions-- he doesn't want the collection back as much as he does the thief, Elizabeth, who happens to be his daughter-- and the woman who nearly sent Ring to his grave. In a tapestry of lies, it's up to Ring, Wally and Risa to find out what is evil, who is human, and who really wants to reign over hell.
Five Stars
Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase
Vampires, succubi and ghouls. They've gone from medieval nightmares to brooding rockstars complete with pre-teen fansites. Somewhere along the line, these evil bastards duped us into making them celebutantes..kinda like the Kardashians with sharp teeth.

Not Mr. Maggert. He's out to turn this disturbing trend on its rear end.

This book is a return to the halcyon days where the undead and vampiric elite are straight-up bad guys and men with big knives stab them in their thoracic cavities. Did I mention said vampires and immortal demons tend to take the form of super hot Euro-trash rather than waifish and pale Pacific Northwesterners? Because they do, and they know how to use those forms.

It's engaging. Its got haunted lone ghoul hunters in the American Plains. Its got cyberchats with a sinister polyglot baron. There's some sort of spider-demon that will lay eggs in your gut while making out with you on the beach. Its even got fishing and beer.

Maggert writes a fast paced, first rate monster tale. He's obviously read his Faulkner and his Heinlein. The scenes are rich and fleshed out without being numbingly overcooked. His characters jump off the page. That is, when they aren't laying waste to the populace of South Beach.

Well worth the read. Can't wait for the next one.

Off to find my own Delphine, now. It would totally be worth it.

Five Stars

One word...WOW!, November 12, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Forest Bull (Kindle Edition)
The Forest Bull is a book about three friends, almost forced together for one cause. Each character is very well developed and unique. They form a family-like bond so that they survive and protect each other. They live in current times but have a different reality than those of us living out our day-to-day routines. The creatures living amongst us are deadly and have no shame. I don't want to spoil anything else because all the new information you learn throughout the book ties in together.
I'm not even sure where to start with this review. I'll admit it took me a few pages to get use to the author's writing style and I may have had to use the dictionary...but that's beside the point. This book is not a quick read that you can scan through while waiting at the bus stop. I found myself going back to re-read sentences because I missed something while being lost in the description. While that may sound like a negative thing, it is not at all. The author has such an imagination and can put you in a trance with his words. I'm hoping he'll write a government conspiracy novel or develop an entire kingdom of his own. Yes...he's that good.

5.0 out of 5 stars Absolutely Outstanding, November 5, 2013
This review is from: The Forest Bull (Kindle Edition)
I was hooked right from the first chapter. If you like television shows like Supernatural, or even if you're just a vampire buff like me, you will absolutely love this book. It isn't cheesy, humorous, or over-the-top like so many in this genre seem to be these days. It is straight-up action with the undead as evil as they're supposed to be.

Terry Maggert takes what, in my opinion, are the most unlikely kind of people to be vampire killers and sets them in a situation that is immediately and completely believable... at least as far as it can be when you're talking about killing the undead! The characters are vivid, their motives fully explained and explored, and quite simply--they all kick ass, each in their own unique way.

If you like your action intense and your characters to be anything but your regular run-of-the-mill glory hounds, this is the book for you. Exceptional writing, exceptional story line, and exceptional character development. I could easily see this becoming a blockbuster movie.

I strongly recommend The Forest Bull to any fan of horror.

5.0 out of 5 stars Hunt Monsters with Terry Maggert, October 14, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Forest Bull (Kindle Edition)
Ring, Wally, and Risa are saving the world from monsters. When he was in the army, Ring "found [he] was average at taking direction, poor with guns, good under pressure, and able to kill with little lingering introspection." A World Cup soccer fan, Wally is a dangerously beautiful, tall blonde woman with an unexpected streak of compassion. The analytical Risa possesses "fearsome intelligence, [with a] taste in music on par with a cheesy disco rat." And last but not least, Gyro, the huge, drooling Great Dane, loves the other three members of his team as much as he loves ice cream.

This fast-paced, well-plotted work reminds me of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. I felt as if I was in the middle of the action, living it along with the characters. Characters like Sandrine, an excellent conversationalist who wears Chanel as well as a non-human scent, will take away your breath...if you give her a chance. (Sandrine is still giving me cold chills!)

While not for fragile, swooning Southern Belles (or guys), the book is an excellent read.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Meet Author, Terry Maggert!

Author’s Bio:   

Born in 1968, I discovered fishing shortly after walking, a boon considering I lived in South Florida. After a brief move to Kentucky, my family trekked back to South Florida, and it was at this time that I made the first of my Big Career Changes, breaking from my daily fishing habit to play the saxophone in middle school. I took this leap of faith under advisement from my Consigliore/ Grandfather, who assured me that this was the way to impress girls.

      In a rare occurrence, he was wrong. This isn’t surprising considering he had been a Big Band leader in the 1930s, which, I have since learned, was a certainty for impressing girls. Middle School saxophone played by a cherubic pre-teen? Not so much.
       I had the good fortune to attend high school in idyllic Upstate New York, where I learned the meaning of winter-- and how to seize the whole of summer.
      After two or three failed attempts at college, I bought a pub. That was fun, because I love beer. However, I eventually met someone smarter than me (a common event), but in this case, she married me and convinced me to go back to school - which I did, with great enthusiasm. I earned a Master’s Degree in History and rediscovered my love for writing. I had written for most of my life, but it was only fatherhood and a herd of dogs/cats/etc. that gave me the time management skills necessary to finish a novel, and actually see several more in my future.
      I live near Nashville, Tennessee with the aforementioned wife, son, and herd, and when I’m not writing, I teach history, grow wildly enthusiastic tomato plants, and restore my 1967 Mustang.

For More on Terry Maggert:

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